There is so much buzz about heating healthy during this pandemic. Many of us are actually trying to make healthy food choices where few are still suck in trying to cook those “Recipes” and enjoy the time at home.
Eating health should come naturally to our routine. Ideally we need to do any effort to make our diet healthy –provided we stick to few life rules.
In 21st century we are living life in abundance. We have abundance of everything, Access to food, things, clothes and much more….at the same time we have access to abundant Processed-easy to serve food. And this one shift in human kinds lifestyle has given birth to the concept called “Healthy eating”.
Now if you agree with me – That we need to focus on eating healthy- Let me share those simple 5 rules to Healthy Diet. Anyone who can follow these rules in their daily life then can ensure good health in coming years and time.
Rule 1: Healthy eating is not elimination of any particular nutrient:
While we are surrounded by so many fad diets pls note that healthy eating is not eliminating any particular nutrient. Like they say eliminate carbs, avoid fats etc. All nutrients are essential and required in our daily life. They play major role in maintaining good health.
Rule 2: Healthy eating is not elimination of any Particular food group:
As mentioned earlier removing particular food group will not help. Example – few people blame rice for obesity, few eliminate wheat completely. Adopting these things without any bases is wrong. Try to add variety of food available as per season in your local area.
Rule 3: Find out your unique nos:
Find out your unique requirements and follow that As per your life style, stages in life, growth level you are different nutrient requirements. Based on your current health status find out your nutrient requirement and learn how much and what all you need to eat. Maintain that and ensure you are getting healthy food.
In my special course have discussed in detail about Adult Nutrition requirements. Our students at skill school of performance go through this quick course and learn about their own nutrition requirements.
Nisha, mentioned understanding my nutrition requirements helped me in a long way. I got answers to many questions and important thing happened is I stopped looking for unnecessary supplements, super foods and what not….
If you are also one of those who need answers to your own nutrition requirement then enroll for this amazing course here and get started today: